Boundaryless Growth Webinar Series #1

Exploring the New Landscape of Growth with James Currier — General Partner at NFX

On March 3rd, James Currier will join a live conversation with Boundaryless’ CEO Simone Cicero and Manfredi Sassoli de Bianchi — co-authors of the upcoming Platform Design Toolkit related Growth Guide — on exploring the emerging Growth Landscape for platforms and marketplaces.

Stories of Platform Design
4 min readFeb 12, 2021


On March 3rd 2021 — at 6pm Central European Time — James Currier will join the conversation with Simone Cicero and Manfredi Sassoli de Bianchi on the New Growth Landscape. In this post, we provide the essential links to join the webinar and give a background on the research we are undertaking. A new guide will be released (stay tuned)!

James Currier has already been our guest in the past, and we are delighted to have him back again. As mentioned, James is the General Partner of NfX — with extensive experience in growth and network effects — and is a successful entrepreneur and investor.

In this webinar, Simone and Manfredi will double-click with James on all the key elements of the emerging framework that we’ve been exploring in this series of blog post.

James’ contribution will be invaluable in distilling the key elements to consider as exploring the challenges of designing for sustainable growth.

How to join us

  • click on this link to hop on the landing page and subscribe to receive all the links and calendar invites to join the conversation from your preferred channel (YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter).
  • subscribe below on Youtube directly to get a notification when we go live;
YouTube placeholder — click to “set reminder” to be alerted before it starts.


This new framework will seamlessly integrate with our widely adopted Platform Design Toolkit and nicely fit into our existing toolset for the age of networks. A new intensive course will be released before the summer: the course will be offered at a premium, discounted price for early registrants to this list of super-early-bird subscribers, provide your expression of interest through this link:

Stay tuned by subscribing here to keep up with the following events and the relevant blog posts delivered comfortably to your inbox!

This work comes as a natural progression of our research on Growth & Defensibility — the last phase covered by our methodology — as shown below:

On our first release of research updates, we underlined to what extent platforms and marketplaces are pervasive, differentiating between the network types that exist (e.g. single tenancy vs. multi-tenancy) and we emphasized the need to understand network properties to derive the right potential strategies for the platform-marketplace launch. We stressed the point that every product is a platform, and every platform is a product because of the complementarity of a product design strategy with platform-powered experiences. Closing the essay, we remarked on the evolution of the marketplace-platforms value proposition.

What follows is an anticipation of the second research update that will be released on Tuesda, February 16th, 2021: it will be an introduction to a framework to think about the acquisition of relatively sustainable competitive advantage in the context of marketplace-platforms, while ensuring better defensibility through an analysis of the networks of relationships that underlie the platform experiences we bring on the market, as well as a conscientious use of specific flywheels and other tactics. We took the opportunity to go more into depth on the network properties, such as Lifetime and Transaction Value (AOV), and on how defensibility depends on the network effects structure.

Before You Go!

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